Rita M. Landgraf Director-UD Partnership for Healthy Communities, Professor of Practice and Distinguished Health & Social Services Administrator in Residence, Managerial Operations Partner for Healthy Communities Delaware, UD
Rita Landgraf joined the University of Delaware’s College of Health Sciences in early 2017 as Professor of Practice and Distinguished Health and Social Services Administrator in Residence. She also serves as Director of the UD Partnership for Healthy Communities (PHC), a cross-college, cross-state initiative. Prior to joining the faculty at UD, she served as Cabinet Secretary of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services 2009 - 2017, under Governor Jack Markell’s administration. Rita currently serves as a member of the Board of the Delaware Center for Health Innovation, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware; Community Education Building, REACH Riverside, ChristianaCare Home Health, Pacem in Terris and Trauma Matters Delaware. Rita is a managerial partner for Healthy Communities Delaware. She also is on the Executive Advisory Boards of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Delaware and atTAck Addiction