Kim Gomes

Kim Gomes Partner, ByrdGomes, The Advocacy Group

Ask Kim to name her dream job, and she would say, “Lobbyist.”

Really, who even knew there were people like that?

Kim became a lobbyist in her own unique way. She did not get here through politics or law or a cause.
Her earliest interests had nothing to do with lobbying. She was a gymnast and a competitor in ballroom

That led to a degree from the University of Delaware in fitness management, and that led to a position
at the University of Delaware as the coordinator in charge of the fitness class program on the campus.
From there, it was on to work at an insurance office and brokerage firm, except Kim was looking for a
new direction, and she thought lobbying would be fun.

Of course she did. She had a taste for the unexpected. She had the slow heartbeat that comes from
winning competitiveness. She had a practical foundation of business, organizational and management

Kim added in an academic component by earning a Masters in Public Administration from the
University of Delaware. One of the faculty members was Ed Freel, formerly the Delaware secretary of
state, and he connected her with Bob Byrd.

It clicked, and Kim joined the firm.

Kim’s background has been a fine fit, even her ballroom dancing. She paired with Tom Cook, who was
the Delaware secretary of finance, for a charity “Dancing with the Stars” event, where they were judged
the best dancers. See? Kim was right all along that lobbying could be fun.

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