About Us

To meet this pressing need, Gov. Pete du Pont, Terry and Sandy Strine came together to create Leadership Delaware during the summer of 2008. By all accounts and every measure, our Leadership Delaware program has already made significant progress in “building the bench” of Delaware’s next generation of leaders. And, we have just begun. There is much more work to be done, and we are up to the task!
Our program offers a series of issue-oriented forums and experiences, which are based on the belief that knowledge is a key element and prime motivator of leadership. Ours is an intensive, fast-moving program described by our Fellows as “an MBA in Delaware!” The breadth and depth of our full year program give our Fellows the opportunity to meet and hear first-hand from 135-140 speakers – those in the state who “make it happen” every day. These prominent and accomplished Delaware leaders, Corporate CEO’s, the Governor, members of the Cabinet, University Presidents, Legislators, and members of the Judiciary, present on topics including: the Economy, Healthcare, Education, Leadership, Government & Public Affairs, Law & the Judiciary, Delaware Industry, Nonprofits & Philanthropy, the Arts, Politics, Law Enforcement, and more!

Our Leadership

Mike Eppehimer

Jaimie Watts
Chief Operating Officer

Mackenzie Brockmeyer
Program Manager
Fellows’ Stories
When I first heard about Leadership Delaware, I had no expectations for what to expect. However, it was recommended to me by people that I respect so I decided to apply. After only a few months into the program, it has already lived up to the way it was described to me. LDI has guided me to step outside of my comfort zone and helped me to build connections that I will cherish for years to come.
Leadership Delaware has provided me an experience that will culminate to a platform and space to advocate for the things that keep me going – community and liberation.