Stacy Tyson

Stacy Tyson

Stacy Tyson is a Technology Manager at CSC. Stacy joined CSC in 2007 and quickly grew across the corporate and financial services market. In 2013 she transitioned to a technology team, learning the importance of business analysis, quality assurance, and product...
Minda V. Thompson

Minda V. Thompson

Minda V. Thompson, MSW, LSW, is currently serving the Judicial Branch of the State of Delaware as the Statewide Problem-Solving Court Coordinator. This role helps support Problem-Solving/Treatment Courts throughout the state, and combines several of Minda’s interests,...
Kimberly Taylor

Kimberly Taylor

Hailing from Kent County, Kimberly Taylor holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Delaware, with dual concentrations in social welfare and healthcare. Embarking on a career path that started in Washington, DC, she honed her skills across...
Lauren Stracuzzi

Lauren Stracuzzi

Lauren Stracuzzi is a Clinical Nurse Specialist practicing at Nemours Children’s Hospital in Delaware. With a dedication to neonatal care, Lauren oversees the clinical practice for a team of more than 100 nurses within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit....
Darren Stephenson Jr.

Darren Stephenson Jr.

Darren Stephenson is the Program Director for the Bronze Valley VentureLab Delaware powered by Gener8tor. He was born in Chester, PA, and spent his childhood between Wilmington, DE, and Chester, PA. Darren previously worked as a consultant for nearly six years as a...