Gene Reid

Gene Reid New Castle County Police Department

Gene Reid is 32 years old and currently a Sergeant with the New Castle County Police Department in Delaware. Gene has served the citizens of Delaware for over 10 years as a police officer and was assigned to the Criminal Investigations Unit as a Detective for 6 years before being promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Gene has taken an active role in establishing a formal mentoring program within the police department and being an advocate for health and wellness through both physical fitness and peer-support initiatives.

Gene completed his Bachelor’s degree in Public Safety Administration, as well as his Master’s degree in Education, from Neumann University. Additionally, Gene attended Liberty University where he completed the course work for his PhD, and is currently working on his dissertation which is focused on addressing resilience and burnout in police officers. In 2021, Gene began recording a podcast called “The Handbook”, a show dedicated to life, leadership, and health, to spread information to the law enforcement community and beyond.

Gene is proud to be a part of Leadership Delaware and plans to utilize the lessons learned throughout the program to provide a more well-rounded service to the citizens of Delaware.

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