Christine Eisenhauer Relay Graduate School of Education, Delaware
Christine Eisenhauer is the founding Dean of Relay Graduate School of Education in Delaware. Relay’s mission is to teach educators how to develop and strengthen their students’ academic skills and character, preparing them for success in college and life. In her role, she oversees all aspects of teacher preparation in her home state, from Selbyville to Wilmington, DE. Relay serves educators both new to the field and as they continue their development through a Master’s program. Relay’s graduate program is open to all teachers, but is specifically geared toward teachers who serve students in historically disenfranchised communities. In explicitly naming this focus, Relay’s goal is to develop teachers who can consistently create more opportunity and choice for Delaware students and families.
Prior to founding Relay, Eisenhauer was the Managing Director of Academics at KIPP Philadelphia Schools, where she led the regional academics team, working with principals and school-based teams to establish network-wide curricular alignment. She has worked with schools in Wilmington, Delaware, and with Teach For America in Newark, New Jersey. She lives in Wilmington with her husband, Wallace, and son, Hayden.