Katherine Kadeisha Belford

Katherine Kadeisha Belford NERDiT RECYCLES

Kat Belford is the Operations Manager at NERDiT RECYCLES.

Born in Trinidad and Tobago, Kat moved to the United States with her family in 2004 to pursue the American Dream. Here, she found herself trying to adapt to a new culture without losing herself.

At the age of 11, Kat once fixed an Xbox Console using a penny and electrical conducting tape. At that moment, she found a love for technology. She attended the Girl Scouts STEM Program where she learned how to code and furthered her technical skills. In 2013, Kat began working in the Technology Department at Penn State Brandywine University. She later transitioned to Computer Aid Inc. as a Service Desk Level 2 technician servicing Amerihealth, Christiana Care, Synergy and Touchpoint Solutions.

In 2019, Kat started working at NERDiT NOW as an executive assistant. She excelled as a leader and product manner and was quickly chosen to help launch NERDiT’s R2 Recycling business.

An empathetic and inquisitive thinker, Kat is dedicated to solving problems and making a difference in the workplace and in her communities. She is detail-oriented, a natural team leader, highly motivated, and self-driven. Kat loves to connect with like-minded individuals in the social impact space and with those who are just finding their way as young professionals. As an LGBTQ West Indian woman, her mission is to empower all people to pursue their dreams.

Her favorite quote, by Emma Stone is, "I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid of being herself."

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