Latisha L. Bracy

Latisha L. Bracy Bracy and Associates

Latisha L. Bracy is President of Bracy and Associates. Before her current role, she was with IKEA US and the Director of Outreach & Special Projects for U. S. Senator Chris Coons.

Latisha is a seasoned government and community relations professional with over 10 years of experience in the public and private sector. After studying mass communications at Delaware State University, Tish became involved with then Governor Tom Carper’s campaign for U.S. Senate in 2000. After the successful election, she joined Senator Carper’s Wilmington office staff. After eight years of service, Tish joined the campaign of then U.S. Senator Joseph Biden.

After working for both Senator Biden and his successor Senator Ted Kaufman, Tish joined the staff of U.S. Senator Chris Coons. She served as Outreach Director- working with his in state team responsible for federal grants, economic development and nonprofit, business and community outreach. Tish received Masters degrees in both Public Administration and Human Resource Management, and is currently at ABD status on her doctorate in Education & Organizational Leadership from Wilmington University.

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