Patrick Carroll Executive Director/Delaware Humane Association
Patrick Carroll has been the Executive Director of the Delaware Humane Association (DHA) for more than 12 years. He led the organization’s capital campaign to build a new, state-of-the-art, $4.8M animal care center (opened in December 2014) and in 2017, oversaw the expansion of DHA’s opening of a storefront adoption center in Rehoboth Beach. DHA’s budget has grown to $2.2M annually with 45 employees and 350 volunteers. He is also very proud of his work to develop DHA’s One Health program, a monthly free veterinary clinic that serves clients of the Henrietta Johnson Medical Center in the Southbridge neighborhood in Wilmington. The program engages a number of partners, including the University of Delaware and the University of Pennsylvania. Most recently, Patrick has played an integral part in the process of DHA and the Delaware SPCA merging, and will serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the combined organization.
Patrick joined the DHA staff in January 2006 as the agency’s first full-time Development Director. In this role, he was responsible for all aspects of fund raising, including major gifts, grants, sponsorships, marketing, and special events. Before that, Patrick was the Executive Director of Public Allies Delaware for six years. Public Allies is an AmeriCorps program with the mission of advancing diverse young leaders to strengthen communities, nonprofits, and civic participation. Patrick led the program’s affiliation with the University of Delaware’s Center for Community Research & Service, and after that time, Delaware’s program stood as the example for the other sites to follow. Now Public Allies sites in all communities have a local operating partner.
Before Public Allies, Patrick was the Coordinator for Youth Development with Catholic Youth Ministry
(Diocese of Wilmington) for six years and a County 4-H Youth Development Agent in Northeast Ohio for four.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from the University of Delaware and a Master’s degree in
Extension Education from The Pennsylvania State University. Patrick completed the University of Delaware’s nonprofit management certificate program, as well as an advanced certificate program in corporate/nonprofit partnerships. He was President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Brandywine Chapter from 2006-2008. Patrick was honored by the Chapter with the Rising Star in Fundraising Award in 2004. He also received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Delaware College of Agriculture & Natural Resources in 2020. Patrick is currently an active member of The AAWA (The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement).
Patrick resides in the Cool Spring neighborhood in Wilmington and lives part-time in Rehoboth Beach.