Sarah Lester Cornerstone West CDC
Sarah Lester is the President & CEO of Cornerstone West CDC, a place-based community development nonprofit in Wilmington. Sarah oversees Cornerstone’s operations and manages the affordable housing and community economic development programs, including the West Side Grows Together neighborhood revitalization initiative. Sarah has extensive experience growing businesses and coordinating networks, events, and resources to strengthen communities. A native Delawarean, Sarah spent several years in Rhode Island, earning her B.A. from Brown University, serving in Americorps for Ashoka's Youth Venture social entrepreneurship program, and working for a food hub where she developed her love for farmers markets and growing the local economy. Sarah returned to the Mid-Atlantic region to receive a Masters of Public Administration at the University of Pennsylvania.
Sarah is thrilled to call Delaware home again, and now loves living, working, and biking in the West Side of Wilmington. As someone who likes to be busy and stay connected to her community, Sarah serves on several advisory groups and boards focused on transportation, local food, and small business development. And, she recently launched a storytelling event series called Wilmington Tales & Ales.