Terry A. Strine

Terry A. Strine LDI Founder & Honorary Board Member

Terry A. Strine believes a series of career business and political opportunities prepared him for this most important leadership role of all – founding and
chairing, Leadership Delaware, Inc. A graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, Terry was recruited out of college by IBM as a Data Processing
Marketing Representative, and assigned to Wilmington, Delaware. A “high number” in the draft soon encouraged him to enlist in the U.S. Coast Guard. After OCS in Yorktown, Virginia, he was ordered to a Cutter stationed in Portland, Maine where he met his now wife, Sandy. After he left the Coast Guard, he rejoined IBM, and then left to become a stockbroker in Wilmington. He later moved on to become a commercial investment real estate broker, followed by becoming a full time investor in real estate. During his several successful careers, Terry’s passion for public policy and politics grew, and in 2003, he was nominated to become Chairman of the Delaware State Republican Committee. In 2008, Terry stepped down as Delaware State GOP Chair, and asked himself, “what’s next…how can I make a difference?” Why not identify, recruit, mentor and network the best and brightest young leaders in the First State, give them the tools, the contacts, and the know-how they will need to achieve higher levels of leadership in every area of our Delaware community? Governor Pete du Pont and Terry’s wife, Sandy, encouraged, urged, supported his thinking, and thus was born Leadership Delaware, Inc.


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