Megan L. Neal Trinity Logistics
A native Delawarean, Megan Neal is a Regional Manager with Perdue Farms. Megan is a graduate of Seaford Christian Academy and Wilmington University. In 2010, Megan earned her Professional Human Resources certification from the Human Resources Certification Institute. Throughout her career, she has supported the agriculture industry, working directly with the poultry industry for the last five years. Neal was appointed to a cross-functional team to transform the Milford, Delaware processing facility into the first organic poultry plant on Delmarva. She and the team worked to expand the facility and add more than 250 jobs to Delaware. In 2013, Neal was recognized by Perdue for her efforts earning a Perdue Prime Performance Excellence Award in the Customer Service category. Neal enjoys supporting charitable organizations, such as the Food Bank of Delaware, The United Way, and Nanticoke Young Life.